Whether you are in a relationship or separating, you should be thinking about the family finances.
I often find my clients think that sorting out the finances is the scariest part of separation and divorce. Certainly it seems complicated and worrying, and its difficult finding money for two households where previously there was one. It is sensible to get advice about this part of the separation but you can do a lot of the preparation yourself, which will help keep your legal fees under control.
Cohabitation relates to a couple living together as partners without marrying or entering into a civil partnership. It's what the papers like to refer to as "common law husband and wife" - although that doesn't actually exist in law. It is a messy area of family law and needs clarification. But in the meantime there are steps you can take to ensure both of you are protected, just in case one of you is no longer able to contribute or in case the relationship breaks down.